Body Integrity Identity Disorder

(Redirected from What is BIID?)

Body Integrity Identity Disorder, or BIID, is a condition characterised by an overwhelming need to align one's physical body with one's body image. This body image includes an impairment (some say disability), most often an amputation of one or more limbs, or paralysis, deafness, blindness, or other conditions. In other words, people suffering from BIID don't feel complete unless they become amputees, paraplegic, deaf, blind or have other "disabling" conditions.

The term Body Integrity Identity Disorder was proposed by Dr.First in 2000, to replace the inadequate apotemnophilia. Dr. First devised the term with a focus on people requiring amputations, but has stated that the definition should probably be expanded.

The term Amputee Identity Disorder, suggested by Furth and Smith was a precursor of the term Body Integrity Identity Disorder, although the later is more accurate and representative of the condition.

Most people who have BIID report memories related to the condition going back to early childhood, often before the age of 5.

[edit] Chosing one's impairment

It should be noted that people who have BIID do not chose which impairment they desire. They don't wake up one morning and think "Oh, I want to be a LAK today.", or "I think it would be dandy to be an L1 paraplegic". For most people, the body image far precedes the understanding of what an amputee, or a paraplegic, etc is.

[edit] Impairment, Disability, etc

There are discussions about the concept of impairment, or disability, where many people suffering from Body Integrity Identity Disorder, particularly those who need to be amputees, say they do not need an impairment, they do not want a disability. For the purpose of this page, we will ignore this debate, but will examine it on an other page.

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