aims to provide a resouce for people interested in learning about Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID). We are collecting as complete a collection of writings, articles and research papers about BIID as we possibly can.

We are volunteers. We are people who have Body Integrity Identity Disorder. As such, much of the information and commentary comes from a "peer support" point of view. We hope with time to attract the participation of the medical community.

We believe in an inclusive definition of Body Integrity Identity Disorder: we have more similarities between us through shared feelings, emotions and life experiences than we have differences, such as desired impairment.

We hope to see Body Integrity Identity Disorder better understood in the (near) future. We hope to successfuly advocate for a variety of treatment options for people who have BIID, up to, and including, surgery, when appropriate.

We are, above all, people. We have an unusual and generaly misunderstood condition which greatly affects our lives, but which does not entirely define us. We are human, "warts 'n all".

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