New BIID study

Dr. Michael First is conducting a follow-up study on his original study that was published a few years ago, “Desire for amputation of a limb: paraphilia, psychosis, or a new type of identity disorder”. As this is a follow-up to his study, it specifically targets those people who have a need for an impairment different than amputation. The following paragraph is written by Dr. First:

“Researchers at Columbia University are conducting an anonymous telephone interview to study and understand more about individuals with a desire to become paraplegic or to have some other disability. The goal of this study is to better define this condition in order to stimulate additional research that may eventually result in its inclusion into future editions of the psychiatric diagnostic manual. You must be at least 18 years old in order to participate. If you are interested, please call Dr. Michael First at 212-543-5524 or e-mail him at to schedule an interview time.”

Please note that everything will remain confidential. You do not have to fear that talking to him will lead to you being “outed”. He also asked me to point out that you can call “collect” from anywhere in the world and he'll assume the fees, though you might wish to email first to schedule an appointment.

I am personally very excited by this follow-up study, as it is the first systematic look at BIID including other conditions than amputation by the medical profession. I can only urge people who feel the need to be blind, paralysed, deaf, or have other physical impairment to contact him and participate in the survey.

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